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U9/U10 Rules

U9/U10 CYSL 


Small-sided Games


Modified Playing Rules - Effective Fall 2019


For complete rules  www.nebraskastatesoccer.org 


Number of Players


7V7 Maximum,  6 field players + 1 GK


5 players must be present to start a game


Roster Size


14 Maximum


Field Dimensions


Rectangular:     Between 55-65 yards by 35-45 yards recommended




The field of play is divided into two halves by a halfway line. 


The center mark is indicated at the midpoint of the halfway line


A circle with a radius of 7 yards is marked around it.


Build Out Line 2016


The build out line is used to promote playing the ball out of the back 




in an unpressured setting.


When the goalkeeper has the ball, either during play or from a goal kick, 


the opposing team should move behind the build out line.


Once the opposing team is behind the build out line, the goalkeeper 


can pass or throw/roll the ballot a teammate (no punting).


After the ball has been put into play by the goalkeeper, 


the opposing team can cross the build out line and play resumes as normal.




6.5X18.5 are recommended.  6X18 and 7X21 are acceptable. 


Goals must be anchored securely to the ground.


Goal Area




Penalty Area


The Penalty Area: A penalty area is defined at each end of the field as follows:  


Two lines are drawn at right angles to the goal line, ten (10) yards from the 


center of the goal. These lines extend into the field of play for a distance of 


of ten (10) yards and are joined by a line drawn parallel with the goal line. The


area bounded by these lines and the goal line is the penalty area. Within


each penalty area a penalty mark is made seven (7) yards from the midpoint


between the goalposts and equidistant to them. An arc of a circle with a radius


of  eight (8) yards from each penalty mark is drawn outside the penalty area. 


Flag Posts


Conform to FIFA.


Corner Arc


Conform to FIFA.




Size 4


Duration of play


25 minute halves - 5 minute half time




APPLIES.  Conform to FIFA


Free Kicks & Corner Kicks


Conform to FIFA - exception that all opponents are at least 8 yards from the ball.


Start & Restart of Play


Conform to FIFA - exception that all opponents are at least 8 yards from the ball.


Headers (New Fall 16)


Not permitted. A purposeful header shall result in an indirect 


free kick awarded to the opponent at the spot of the infraction.


Fouls & Misconduct


Conform to FIFA. -----No slide tackling




UNLIMITED and at any stoppage.  No substitutions on penalty kicks.


Penalty Kicks


Conform to FIFA.




Conform to FIFA.


Goal Kick            


Conform to FIFA.  In the past the team takin the goal kick could not touch  

(New for 2019-20)


the ball until it had left the penalty area.  Now a player from the team in  


possession may reside in or enter the penalty area and touch the ball as 


soon as it is in play.  For the ball to be considered in play, it must have been


kicked and clearly moves This change is meant to speed up the play of the 


game.   Does this change the buildout line?  No, the spirit of the build out line


is still in effectin that players on the team not in possession must move 


behind the buildout line until the ball is considered in play.  Players for the 


team in possession of the goal kick may choose to  position themselves 


inside the penalty area.  If a team chooses to take a goal kick or free kick  


quickly they are doing so at their own risk as the normal build out rules still apply. 


Ball In & Out of Play


Conform to FIFA.


Method of Scoring


Conform to FIFA.